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20.09.2011 5.09 20.07.11
I just began my IMRT treatments this week and willbe doing it for the next 7 weeks. I just wanted to join in and offer any advice (but only in English). It looks like I might be the first Canadian on here.
Where is my Cdn Flag? LOL.
20.09.2011 5.09 20.07.11
OK so I don't get a Cdn flag. LOL. And there are a couple of other Canadians on board. I am curious if any Canadian or Australian is now in or has completed the PROFIT Clinical Trial. I applied but due to randomization I got the long program. I'm in for 39 instead of the trial 20 sessions.
18.10.2011 5.09 20.07.11
Just wanted to say that I am now half way through my 39 treatments of IG IMRT and I have having very little in the way of side effects. Not getting as tired as it was suggested and only urinary issues is having to get up frequently at night like 2 - 4 times. Trying the cranberry juice as suggested to me and taking Ibuprofen to prevent any bladder irritation.
12.12.2011 3.99 12.12.11
finished my VMAT IMRT on Nov. 11th and my PSA test on Dec 12th was down to 3.99 .
Had absolutely no side effects from radiation at all , during or after other than one bad day for urinating but it was fixed up same day with Flomax. Continued on with Flomax until after treatments ended.
No longer using it.
14.03.2012 3.00 14.03.12
March 14/12 checked in with rad. specialist and had PSA test done. Down to 3.0 .
I dont go back again until September. It appears like I might have it licked.
18.09.2012 1.53 18.09.12
Today I had my one year follow up exam and PSA test. I am pleased to report that my PSA has gone down to 1.53 from the original 7.0 prior to radiation. I am a happy camper and very glad I decided to go with the radiation alone and no surgery.
09.12.2012 1.53 18.09.12
Just for the record. It now appears that my IMRT that was successful in destroying the cancel cells also destroyed my ability to have an erection. I knew going it was a considerable risk but it was a guarantee with surgery. I guess now if I want it and got to pay for it. i.e. Viagara . Still have yet to see if that works.
22.03.2013 1.07 22.03.13
March 22 another semi annual follow up and my PSA has gone down to 1.07, it was 3.0 a year ago.
Seems like the radiation has done the job completely and I still have a prostate. No sperm though and very little ejaculate. Erections almost impossible but I knew that going in. I can live without them.
17.06.2015 0.90 20.03.15
Well its been a long time since I visited here. Thanks for the reminder. I am in the final stages of completing my participation in the 5 year PROFIT study as one of the subjects who got the full 39 radiation treatments instead of half at higher levels. If interested Google PROFIT . My PSA levels have maintained the minimum (.9 ). And it appears that I am a 100 % successful radiation survivor of Prostate Cancer. I hope all the other study volunteers who got half the treatments were as successful since we were all in the same boat as to qualifications for it. I have nothing else to report but wish all visitors here the best of luck and success with their treatments whatever they may be.,
02.03.2020 0.47 27.02.20
Just a quick note to say that I am still alive and kicking. There has been no indication that the devil came back. My PSA could not be any better. I only want to suggest that anyone qualifying for radiation therapy consider doing it. I have been clean and green for the past five years now and expect to remain that way for the rest of my life. Many thanks to the persons responsible for this valuable site and I am glad to see it is carrying on nine years after I first got on board.

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