Claus Lohmar

Personalien und Diagnosen


Sichtbarer Name: Claus Lohmar
Bundesland/Kanton: East Airshire
Geburtsjahr: 1964
Alter: 60
Beruf: Sales Engineer
Hobbys: Computer, Travle, Music
Meine Homepage:

Daten bei Erstdiagnose

Datum: 01.07.2016
Alter bei Diagnose: 52
PSA: 5.20
Biopsiert? Ja
TUR-P? Nein
Gleason Score: 3 + 4 = 7a
Bemerkung: Gleason Sum from MRI

Maximal gemessenes Prostatavolumen

Volumen in ml oder cm³:

Postoperative pathologische Daten

Gleason Score:
Siehe Bericht vom:

Prostatakrebs - Behandlungen

** PSA-Wert zu Beginn der Behandlung
von bis PSA** Art Klinik Ort
01.03.16 23.09.20 8.20 Active Surveillance Guys Hospital London
24.09.20 12.01.21 3.30 IMRT + HB Beatson Cancer Centre Glasgow UK


NEM = Nahrungsergänzungsmittel
von bis Medikament + NEM Menge / Zeiteinheit
24.09.20 Bicalutamide 150mg per D
Menge pro T/W/M/J etc.

PSA-Verlauf    ng/ml    logarithmisch

PSA-Verlauf    ng/ml    linear

Prostate Volume    cc

Gleason x+x    none

PSA-Verdoppelungszeiten in Jahren

Verdoppelungszeit ist zur Vorperiode gestiegen.
Verdoppelungszeit ist zur Vorperiode gesunken.
* Berechnet auf 1, 2, 4 und 8 Perioden rückwärts.

Grenzwert = 3 Jahre

Berechnung der Verdoppelungszeit in Tagen

Verdoppelungszeit in Jahren:
Verdoppelungszeit in Tagen:
Datum PSA 1* 2* 4* 8*
01.07.16 4.60
01.02.17 6.10 1.45
01.09.17 5.90 -- 3.26
01.02.18 11.18 0.45 1.14
01.07.18 8.40 -- 1.63 2.30
01.03.19 5.10 -- -- --
02.07.20 8.70 1.74 39.61 5.06
13.11.20 3.30 -- -- --
01.03.21 0.80 -- -- -- --
01.06.21 0.75 -- -- -- --
15.11.23 0.20 -- -- -- --
01.05.24 0.15 -- -- -- --
Datum PSA 1* 2* 4* 8*

Mein Bericht

Übersetzen auf:

Datum Δ 

letzter PSA vom


01.01.2017 4.60 01.07.16
In July 2016, routine blood test revealed a higher PSA (5.2) level and an MRI (in Dublin) confirmed the presence of a cancer. The GP explained the result of the MRI (Gleason 3+3) and recommended Active Surveillance.
There was no change of PSA level over the rest of 2016.
01.01.2018 5.90 01.09.17
I relocated in the spring of 2017 from Dublin (IR) to London (UK) and after registration with the British NHS was able to continue with my journey. The new GM referred me to the local Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Woolwich where an MRI scan confirmed the presence of a cancer.
01.01.2019 8.40 01.07.18
The Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Woolwich referred me to the Guy's Hospital in London, were a biopsy was carried out.
The result of this TB biopsy (24 cores) was Gleason 3+4=7.
As follow-up, I discussed with the Urologist the available options. The Guy's Hospital only informed ma about the treatment they offer, omitting other options. Only upon request from my side HIFU treatment was discussed, and I was referred to the University College London Hospital in London fo HIFU treatment.
01.05.2019 5.10 01.03.19
The University College London Hospital (UCLH) carried out another MRI and confirmed the Gleason score.
The assessment from the Oncologist, specialized in HIFU Treatment, revealed that I'm not suitable for HIFU and that the tumour is to close to the sphincter. HIFU treatment could cause permanent incontinence. The Oncologist also mentioned that I'm most likely not suitable for LDR Brachytherapy, however I like to get a second opinion on this.
As follow-up, I got a consultation with a Radiotherapist and it was suggested to go for Radiotherapy in combination with Hormone therapy. Once again, the doctor was only providing solutions available at the UCLH. I needed to push on the subject LDR Brachytherapy and got only the information that there is a hospital in Birmingham that offers this treatment.
I learned through this that it is very difficult to check what treatment each hospital actually provides. It looks like that the Guy's Hospital does provide LDR Brachytherapy but this needs to be confirmed.
I started a new job and now I use 100% home office, this will allow me to relocate from London to somewhere else and we are actually thinking of moving to the north of England. For this reason I decided to pause my journey until the relocation.
01.07.2019 5.10 01.03.19
Request to return to Guy's Hospital London, this request was not fulfilled by November 2019.
15.11.2019 5.10 01.03.19
Moving to Scotland - No direct hand over from NHS England to NHS Scotland, therefore I need to transfer manually my medical history.
02.07.2020 8.70 02.07.20
GP transferred to University Hospital Ayr - initial PSA test.
23.07.2020 8.70 02.07.20
New MRI scan at University Hospital Ayr.
01.11.2020 8.70 02.07.20
Transferred to the Beatson West of Scotland Cancer Centre in Glasgow for further treatment. Gold fiducial markers were implanted in preparation for the upcoming radiotherapy sessions, and I also began hormone therapy.
01.12.2020 3.30 13.11.20
Began radiotherapy today, with a planned schedule of 24 sessions over the next 5 weeks.
01.03.2021 0.80 01.03.21
Following 24 radiotherapy sessions at Beatson and four months of hormone therapy, the initial PSA test indicated that the treatment was successful. It has been decided that PSA tests will now be conducted every six months to monitor for any potential recurrence and that the hormone therapy will continue for 6 months.
01.05.2024 0.15 01.05.24
Routine PSA Check - 0.15

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