
Personalien und Diagnosen


Sichtbarer Name: Wayne
Land: United States of America
Bundesland/Kanton: De
Geburtsjahr: 1947
Alter: 77
Beruf: Retired (Researcher/business owner)
Hobbys: Officiating Scholastic Wrestling/ Sailing
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Daten bei Erstdiagnose

Datum: 20.08.2007
Alter bei Diagnose: 60
PSA: 4.00
Biopsiert? Ja
TUR-P? Nein
Gleason Score: 3 + 4 = 7a

Maximal gemessenes Prostatavolumen

Volumen in ml oder cm³:

Postoperative pathologische Daten

Gleason Score:
Siehe Bericht vom:

Prostatakrebs - Behandlungen

** PSA-Wert zu Beginn der Behandlung
von bis PSA** Art Klinik Ort
11.10.07 11.11.07 4.00 DaVinci NJ Cancer Institute New Brunswick, NJ


NEM = Nahrungsergänzungsmittel
von bis Medikament + NEM Menge / Zeiteinheit
Menge pro T/W/M/J etc.

PSA-Verlauf    ng/ml    logarithmisch

PSA-Verlauf    ng/ml    linear

PSA-Verdoppelungszeiten in Jahren

Verdoppelungszeit ist zur Vorperiode gestiegen.
Verdoppelungszeit ist zur Vorperiode gesunken.
* Berechnet auf 1, 2, 4 und 8 Perioden rückwärts.

Grenzwert = 3 Jahre

Berechnung der Verdoppelungszeit in Tagen

Verdoppelungszeit in Jahren:
Verdoppelungszeit in Tagen:
Datum PSA 1* 2* 4* 8*
01.03.97 0.94
01.03.98 1.20 2.84
01.03.00 1.90 3.02 2.96
01.03.02 2.40 5.93 4.00
01.03.06 3.70 6.41 6.24 4.56
01.03.07 4.00 8.89 6.79 5.18
01.01.08 0.17 -- -- --
01.02.09 0.17 -- --
01.02.10 0.20 4.27 8.90 -- --
01.02.11 0.30 1.71 2.44 -- --
01.02.15 0.30 8.55 8.65 --
01.02.19 0.30 12.21 --
Datum PSA 1* 2* 4* 8*

Mein Bericht

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Datum Δ 

letzter PSA vom


01.02.2011 0.30 01.02.11
Well, it's now almost 3 years since my DaVinci surgery and life is pretty good.
I continue to have my PSA checked every six months and it remains at 0.20, the same as it has been since immediately post surgery. The only explanation from the Doctor is "there isn't a dotted line to cut on and as long as there are some "Prostate Cells" left, they will produce prostate specific antigen.
Some doctors and others have asked why I haven't gone for radiation treatment. The doctor and I both feel that as long as it remains the same, there is no need for it.
On the ED front, things are pretty much the same. They certainly aren't what they were when I was 35 or 53, but not too bad considering I'm now almost 63 and taking a minor amount of medication for blood pressure. My wife certainly wouldn't mind if it was not as good. The desire is as strong as ever.

Remember.... stay positive, do a lot of research and keep up the good fight!
Prostate Cancer doesn't have to be a death sentence..
01.02.2019 0.30 01.02.19
I have reached the 11 year mark post surgery. PSA remains about the same but a minor change I am noticing is that the stress incontinence is getting worse. Leakage can be very annoying late in the day. The muscles get tired and depending on what I have been doing during the day I can soak a shield that I wear. Alcohol also has an effect on it. Good news is that about a year ago, night time erections started to come back. Now, awakened often during the night with a stiff one.
01.02.2019 0.30 01.02.19
I have reached the 11 year mark post surgery. PSA remains about the same but a minor change I am noticing is that the stress incontinence is getting worse. Leakage can be very annoying late in the day. The muscles get tired and depending on what I have been doing during the day I can soak a shield that I wear. Alcohol also has an effect on it. Good news is that about a year ago, night time erections started to come back. Now, awakened often during the night with a stiff one.

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